Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Cynic's Idea of Love

Wednesday August 14, 2013 2:53 P.M.
                I think the reason I hate clichés so much is due to the fact that they have a way of distorting or perception of reality. They make us think our relationships aren’t romantic enough and that love is a feeling.
                Before I go any further let me just warn you that this is going to be my most cynical entry thus far. So cover your eyes if you want to stay in denial. I may only be 19 years old, but in my years here on planet earth I’ve learned a lot through personal experience, and vicariously through the experiences of friends and family both older and younger than me. You can learn a lot if you’re willing to listen to what people have to say – even if you think it doesn’t apply to you; chances are one day it will.
                I was like everyone else at one time. I thought love was an indescribable feeling. Butterflies, passion, happiness. I was sorely mistaken. Even if you’re not an avid church goer or Bible thumper, at some point you’ve heard the well-known love chapter of the Bible: 1st Corinthians 13. If not, now would be a good time to go read it, even if just to refresh your memory.
                Of all the things 1st  Corinthians 13 says love is – not one of them is a feeling. Not a single one. None of the traits listed happens on accident. In order to attain the characteristics, we must choose to actively pursue behaviors and attitudes that encourage patience, humility, selflessness, etc. This is because love is a decision. A choice. We don’t fall in love, it doesn’t “just happen”.
                For many of you this may be disheartening to hear, because you’re beginning to doubt everything you thought you knew to be true. You’re not so sure you love the person you so easily express the sentiment to. From the time we’re children we’re programmed with a false idea of what love is. Fairy tales tell us that love finds us, and when we’re older the same idea is reinforced by romantic comedies. No wonder we’re so passive about the whole concept of love. We’re passive because phrases like “fell in love” and “swept off my feet” are constantly being drilled into our skulls.
                Love is a choice. Plain and simple. We’ve over complicated it. “I can’t explain it, but I know it’s there.” I’m not being so cynical as to say love is not real. I am the world’s biggest hopeless romantic. But the truth of it is, I’m so sick of people saying things like “you just know” and “we didn’t expect to fall in love”. How can you claim to love someone if you can’t even explain what it is? When did love become so distorted? Chemistry and love are not synonymous.
                Some may argue that a mother loves their child before having even met them therefore my theory is invalid. I say bullshit. I don’t disagree that a mother can instantly fall in love with her child, but this is because she is deciding to. Nothing happens on accident. Love is no exception.This is not as romantic as you’d like I’d imagine. But think of it this way – if love is a feeling then just as effortlessly as someone fell in love with you they could fall in love with someone else. Feelings are fickle. So in a way the fact that love is a choice should be reassuring.
                I think back to when I asked him what love was. I didn’t even know what it was, but I was hoping he could tell me. We were passionately infatuated with each other. But I made the choice to love him the second go around. Things were grand for a while before they went sour, but still I loved him. I decided he was my person and that was that. But it’s like the saying goes: man makes plans, God laughs.
                It is not my wish to rain on your parade. I was lucky enough to have been taught some hard lessons at a young age. I’m thankful for the people that taught me. By no means am I claiming to have acquired any wisdom. All I can say is that I aspire to attain even a fraction of the wisdom had by the people that were so willing to share their experiences with me.
                It’s by no means my intention to crush anyone’s spirit. That’s not something I get pleasure from. I just thought I could share what has been shared with me. Many people may not take to heart some of the things I say due to my age. I’m too young to know what I’m talking about. I haven’t had enough experiences of my own. But I urge those older than me not to discount my opinion because of their pride. Not many of us are truly wise, but sometimes even a foolish person’s words can be meaningful to the next.
                However you choose to read what I’ve written – as advice or merely an explanation of my personal opinion – the next time the word “love” leaves your mouth, it will be more weighty on your tongue, and the taste it leaves behind will linger.


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